From start to finish our property tax program is equipped to handle all aspects of your office.
Keeping track of cases from beginning to close is where this application shines. Hearings and tasks are easily scheduled. Case privacy statuses are automated so sensitive cases can only be viewed by those with permission. Our online case portal allows attorneys to view their cases at once.
Our Motor Vehicle Registration system is designed for speed and efficiency. Tag line reduction is guaranteed. The online renewal and titling website reduces foot traffic to the office and can easily be used by the public from any device.
Our Self-Reporting Tax (SRT) system is designed to manage sales tax revenues for county and municipal agencies. From collections to distribution, it is a one source solution that is able to handle any scenario of self-reported tax.
Recording documents has never been easier and is customized for your county’s specific needs. This program was designed for flexibility because no two offices are alike. Our online public search site is very user friendly and has virtually removed the need for abstractors and researchers to come to the office.
All products offer our integrated payments solution for those taxpayers wanting to pay by credit card or E-check. The elimination of a third-party site to process these payments is what makes this so efficient. Payments are tied to the programs accounting system which makes all payments live and in real time.
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